Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Figure Skating Lessons In North York Richmond Hill And ...

Ice-skating is easy on the joints because it's low impact, and it improves your balance and coordination. "You use a lot of small stabilizer muscles that don't get a workout in day-to-day life, in particular those around your hips, knees and ankles," says Kristin Kunze, a certified skating coach and coordinator of the skating programs in the faculty of kinesiology at the University of Calgary. "Strengthening those small muscles helps you in other activities, like running, skiing and yoga." You're also toning larger muscles in your legs, butt and core as you propel yourself on the ice. "You never see a skater with a flabby bum!" Kunze notes.

The calorie burn depends on your speed: A 155-lb. woman skating slowly (less than 14 kilometres per hour) burns about 387 calories per hour. Fast, full-out skating (for example, chasing a puck) burns 633 calories per hour. Kunze adds that skating outside offers a bit more of a workout than an indoor rink since you're contending with wind and bumpier, harder ice.

The most common injuries are to the wrist, or those that come from falling backwards onto the ice and hitting your tailbone or the back of your head. Says Kunze: "If you're skating stiffly, and flail your arms backwards when you lose your balance, you'll end up on your butt. You need to bend your knees a bit to gain more control, so that you'll fall on your side."

What to wear
Warm, light layers work well no matter where you skate. Buying skates, rather than borrowing or renting, is best because your feet will be fitted properly and you'll be more comfortable (see box, above right). A helmet is a great idea, and it's generally mandatory for skating lessons; you will need either a hockey helmet or a multi-purpose winter sports helmet such as one used for skiing or snowboarding.

Take lessons
If you're a beginner or just want to brush up your skills, take adult skating lessons. They generally cost about $75 and up for group lessons, and run for six to eight weeks. Look for classes that are 45 minutes to an hour long, with at least one teacher to every eight students, suggests Kunze.

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