Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Health and fitness, The Forgotten Friend |

How often have you heard somebody say, ?If I can do all of it over again, I would take better care of my health?? Or have you heard people say, ?If I get rid of this disease, I?ll eat well and exercise more regularly?? Unfortunately, most people don?t receive that 2nd chance.

Many people don?t value the significance of their health right up until it?s screwing up. Cookies, sweets, chips, ice cream, fried potatoes, alcoholic beverages ? we run to them for comfort and ease and solace. We believe these food types help make us feel better, but that is an illusion. These food types, and many more like them, are slowly and gradually killing us. Each and every time you ?enjoy? in a pint of ice cream or an order of super-size french fries, you are putting your overall health in danger. So, does this mean quit eating french fries and frozen goodies? Maybe. Would you live longer if you ever stopped eating cookies, sweets, chips, ice cream and French fries? Most likely. If you lessen your intake of the foods that quickly increase your blood sugar levels, destroy your brain cells, raise your cholesterol level and blood pressure levels, you will probably have a healthy and longer life.

So how do you lower your intake of these foods when they?re often on sale in bright seductive packaging at the supermarket and available on almost every street corner? Here are a few suggestions:

* Stash healthy goodies in your car so you won?t be lured to order fast food on your way home from work.

* Workout. It becomes an all-natural energy boost and deter you from consuming more calories which you can burn up.

* Drink a lot of water. The more h2o you take in, the less hungry you?ll feel.

* Do not give up eating these foods ?cold turkey?. Gradually lessen your intake. If you currently eat french fries five times a week, start by lowering to four times a week. Do this for a couple of weeks and then reduce your intake to three times a week.

* Set a specific goal. Aims enable you to see your progress and can become a source of motivation.

Be strong if you crave food that isn?t healthy for you. You will be thankful later. Don?t forget, health is essential. Take care of your health while you have the opportunity.

Interested to know more about Best Supplements? Why not read about Muscle and Fitness to learn more details on how to keep your body in good shape.


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